Lost In The Woods

Over a decade has passed, yet the crucible of that moment still burns bright within me. It's a saga of forging ahead versus surrendering to the unknown, a tale that resonates with each of us in our own trials.

Picture this: Tampa, Florida. Flatwoods, a sanctuary cocooned in nature, the main bike path beckoned with its’ paved promise, shielded from the grind of everyday life. But beyond the main road, lay uncharted trails, an adventure waiting to unfurl with my three boys, aged 10, 12, and 14.

Loaded with bikes, provisions in tow, we pedaled unknown paths and wild branches, bubbling with excitement. The thrill of the unknown led us astray, a dance of wrong turns, all part of the exhilarating escapade. Supplies dwindled, tension surged. My eldest, battling type one diabetes, hung in the balance.

In the depths of my thoughts, questions swirled like a tempest. Where was salvation? How long could we endure? When would the reserves run dry? What if my son's blood sugar dwindled dangerously? And where, in this wilderness, could I find a beacon of help?

Reason wavered under the pressure, a feeble guide in dire straits.

Should I turn back, or press on, gambling on fate? The decision hung heavy, akin to the choices faced on the entrepreneurial odyssey. We plunge on with fervor, navigating the labyrinth of uncharted trails and untested ideas. Yet, there comes a point where supplies dwindle, the path ahead remains uncertain, and decisions take on the weight of survival.  

We chose to soldier on, yearning for a sign, a whisper of assurance. Time marched on, hope grew thin, and still, no sign of rescue. Eventually, we made the hard call to retrace our steps, taking the surest path to safety only to find afterwards that we turned back mere feet from breaking through the tree line and crossing the finish line we had searched so hard for that day.  

In the world of entrepreneurship, the stakes are even higher. Like my son, the welfare of employees, clients, and stakeholders rests on the entrepreneur’s shoulders. Yet, much like that forest, often the road to triumph is closer than it seems. Entrepreneurs stand at the precipice, asking themselves, "forge ahead or retreat?" The key, more often than not, lies just beyond the next bend.

In my role at Wendworks®, I speak with entrepreneurs and organizational leaders facing uncertainty every day; making decisions that will impact the lives of those in their care.  They frequently find themselves at crossroads, uncertain whether to march forward or retrace their steps… We’ve all been there.  But sometimes the stakes are higher than others.  And other times, victory is a solitary step away, obscured by the haze of fear and doubt.

You are not alone.  You can do it. We can help.

Let’s get to work.


Coping with Change: Cents and Sensibility